Phil Hassey - game dev blog
Phil Hassey as Snidely Whiplash
"You can't buy awesomeness.
You're born that way."

Dynamite Jack – now Universal for iPhone – with special promotion

Ahoy there! I’ve been working all month to get you Dynamite Jack for the iPhone, and it’s a Universal update to the iPad version! You can get it here.

“Like stealth? Like explosions? You’re going to love Dynamite Jack.” – 4.5 stars, TouchArcade

“It’s not often I come across I game that I believe should be on every iPad. Dynamite Jack is one of those games.” – 4.5 stars, 148Apps

“There are some games that you can instantly tell are going to be good, and Dynamite Jack is one of them.” – 4.5 stars, Apple’N’Apps

If that’s not enough to convince you, I’m also running special 48 hour promotion – buy the iOS version and you get the desktop version as a free download! This will also work for owners of the iPad version. If you already have the desktop version, give your bonus code to a friend!

iOS Promo

Anyway, check it out! I hope you enjoy it!


P.S. I’m still considering the Android port of this game. If you are interested in an Android version, please post a message in this thread to show your support.

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