Phil Hassey - game dev blog
Phil Hassey as Syndrome
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costumes like this to just anyone."

Dynamite: Day 12 – Guards

So now I come to needing to make the guards work proper. Mostly this is a ton of muddling around with arrows and pathfinding.

I think I’ve got it working adequately. Maybe. The trick is to make the level editor work in such a way that it gives designers the most options, basically. Now a guard can stand still, a guard can walk from A-B, and a guard can walk from A-B-C and have loops between B-C.

Now I’m just adding in more guard behaviors (dying, running, shooting) which bring the game that much closer to being playable!

One of the tricky things is figuring out what the guard can see. I’ve got a pretty fancy bit of code that figures that out for me. Seems to work well, I hope.

Anyway that’s all for today. No new screenshots, nothing visually changed. Might be a quieter week on the screenshot front until I start switching over to fancier graphics.

Tomorrow I’ve got to get the guard actually shooting, and add win and lose conditions and tweak the bomb features a bit.


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