Phil Hassey - game dev blog
Phil Hassey as Syndrome
"Look, stores don't sell
costumes like this to just anyone."

Dynamite is “STEALTH TARGET” !!

Hey, so the game is now available for sale in what I call “super-beta-mode” .. I guess it might be pretty polished in some places, but it’s still got a ways to go. I’ll be announcing this more widely in a few days, but for now, STEALTH TARGET is available for $9.99 for OS X only on my website. No demo yet, but I’ll be posting a video pretty soon though!

Here’s some screenies:




This game was created as part of the Ludum Dare October Challenge. Which was a challenge to create a game and bring it to market in 1 month. I started a week early and got here a few days late. But pretty close! I’ll be making a more serious push with the game over the next few weeks as the features and graphics get more polish. So if you want to help out, get in the beta now and start posting your thoughts so I can make this game the best it possibly can be!


6 Responses to “Dynamite is “STEALTH TARGET” !!”

  1. John Harrison Says:


    Have you considered putting this on the Mac app store?

  2. philhassey Says:

    I will probably do that!

  3. TWal Says:

    Good to hear the Windows version is coming soon. I’m definitely interested in this game. Any chance of this game going up on Steam once it’s completed?

  4. philhassey Says:

    TWal: Great!

    I haven’t talked with Steam yet, so I can’t say for sure, but I’d certainly like to have it sold via Steam!


  5. jovoc Says:

    I am in awe of your development schedule.

    I can’t wait for the iPad version!

  6. TWal Says:

    Thanks for the response Phil. 🙂 I think I’ll wait for the Steam release then, as I like to keep my games in one central place. I plan on picking up Galcon on Steam soon as well.