Phil Hassey - game dev blog
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"Look, stores don't sell
costumes like this to just anyone."

New Year’s Python meme

Hmmn, better late than never, ‘eh?
  1. What’s the coolest Python application, framework or library you have discovered in 2009 ?
    pygame – I’ve used it for ages, but I rediscovered it this year for a new use.  Now-a-days I use it for processing images (creating batches of icons, creating texture atlases, etc)
  2. What new programming technique did you learn in 2009?
    I’ve used databases for _ages_ in web development.  This year a friend suggested I could use databases to store data for games and 1. avoid recompiling 2. avoid parsing 3. use a nice database frontend to manage it.  I’ve only experimented with it briefly, but it seems like a pretty keen technique 🙂
  3. What’s the name of the open source project you contributed the most in 2009? What did you do?
    I was a bit of an open-source waste-of-space this year.  But in the last two weeks of the year I began doing work on my tinypyC++ converter.  So far I’ve used it to put one game on the App Store.
  4. What was the Python blog or website you read the most in 2009?
    Planet Python.  Thanks everyone 🙂
  5. What are the three top things you want to learn in 2010 ?
    How to do game PR.  How to present at conferences.  How to not go crazy.

Over the course of 2009 I used python much less than in 2005-2008.  This year (with the help of tinypyC++) I hope to be using (something like) python again.  C++ just isn’t nearly as fun!  I don’t plan on attending PyCon this year, though I wish I could.  There’s just a limit to how many conferences I can attend.  If anyone is at GDC, catch up with me!  I’ll be speaking at the iPhone Summit about multi-player network testing.  I always gotta thank the python community for introducing me to the magic of testing.  It’s what makes network code and mad projects like tinypy possible.


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