Phil Hassey - game dev blog
Phil Hassey as Rambo
".. I've been there,
I know what it's like,
and I'll do it again if I have to."

My first goat show!

On Friday Nan and I loaded up our 4 does into our horse trailer and hauled them up to Pueblo for the Colorado State Fair dairy goat show. After paperwork got done at the fair we checked them into their pens and Nan went off and parked the trailer.

While she was gone, I got the exciting job of cleaning out several pens, which were filled with the previous occupants defilements. This was a pretty unpleasant experience, and fell into the category of things that if I told my 15 year old self I would end up doing, he would have informed me that I may have made some poor life-choices.

Once that was completed we had some ludicrously priced, but delicious fair food and headed home where we stayed up until 2am getting our costumes prepared for the goat fun costume event on Saturday. The morning came too soon and I spent most of Saturday in a bit of a stupor due to lack of sleep.

Even so, I had a good time showing our goat Lilly, and received a blue ribbon for being the only goat in her class.

Later in the day I showed Nubbin who went on to receive a Reserve Champion in the Jr Recorded Grade show! This is a pretty significant honor, Nan and I were quite surprised!

I took a few naps in the afternoon and felt much better in the evening, where we competed in the goat fun costume show! When I signed in, the girl asked me what age group, and I indicated adult. She said, “14-18?” and I said, no, 34. So she added an extra category to her page that said, “34” on top. I guess they don’t get too many geezers in their goat fun show.

The youth classes were full of great costumes. One of the best ones included a goat converted into a camel. Nan and I were proud of ours too, Nan dressed as “Victorista Cruz: World Traveller” and I dressed as “Eugene and my robot the P9000”

As the only entries in the “34” class we both received ribbons and a prize.

On Sunday the second part of the goat show ensued, we were much better rested, so it was about 10 tons more fun to be awake. There was no costume show, but we won the “Primier Exhibitor” award for having the most Registered Grade (experimental) goats in the show! This was pretty exciting to us, as we’re really trying to create some new goat mixes with particularly good dairy and pack goat attributes.

And, that was the state fair! We had fun! We might even be doing another goat show this coming weekend, but it’s right up next to the 360iDev conference I’m going to, and I’m not sure if I’d survive two huge events right after one-another. We’ll see!


One Response to “My first goat show!”

  1. tonic Says:

    Cool! Next time you could make a M.U.L.E. costume for one of your goats? 🙂