Phil Hassey - game dev blog
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arrogant jerk
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Galcon Tournament at pycon!

There will be a Galcon Tournament at PyCon on Saturday night from 8:00pm – 11:00pm in Ballroom II.

201.pngGalcon is an awesome high-paced multi-player galactic action-strategy game. You send swarms of ships from planet to planet to take over the galaxy.

Feel free to come even if you don’t have a Galcon license – they will be provided 🙂 It’ll be a great time to hang out and play one of the top 10 indie games of 2007 – built with python and pygame, of course!

Hope to see you there! If anyone wants to talk game development or Galcon or whatever, just look for the guy wearing a Galcon t-shirt 🙂

P.S. Just to be on the safe side, try to download and install Galcon well before the tourney so we don’t swamp the conference network.

5 Responses to “Galcon Tournament at pycon!”

  1. a random John Says:

    I am so there. I’ll have to start practicing…

  2. philhassey Says:

    Me too 🙂 I’m a bit rusty… too much code, not enough Galcon for me!

  3. a random John Says:

    Will there be a projector of some sort for the audience?

  4. philhassey Says:

    Yeah. It’s in one of the ballrooms, so it’ll have a projector. I guess everyone gets to see how many ships I’ve got 🙂

  5. David Cooper Says:

    Best tournament ever!