Bundling SDL_image.framework and SDL_mixer.framework
So if you are trying to build a SDL + SDL_mixer + SDL_image + OS/X + Xcode game .. well .. when you build it using the SDL Application Templates, you’ll find that it includes the SDL.framework in the application bundle but it does NOT include the SDL_image.framework and SDL_mixer.framework in the bundle.
Which means, it will work on your computer if you’ve installed the SDL_image and SDL_mixer frameworks in /Library/Frameworks .. but it won’t work on any computer that does not have those frameworks installed.
The error they will see if they happen to run your app from the command line will look something like:
dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/SDL_image.framework/Versions/A/SDL_image
Referenced from: /Users/phil/tmp/ibeast_osx.app/Contents/MacOS/ibeast_osx
Reason: image not found